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  • Seven Hills Decription and Map (click to open)

    Seven Hills

    Seven Hills is a community in the center south of the Las Vegas Valley within the boundaries of Henderson. It's very convenient to the Interstate (5 Min), airport (15 Min) and strip (20 min). Many of the homes have views of the strip and valley because of the hills and Rio Secco Golf Course winds its way through the neighborhood.
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Area Amenities

Henderson City Boundries

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Property Reports - Tells you the history of the property, gives you an estimate BETTER than Zillow because our data is better.

Neighborhood Reports - We give you all the data to see how the market has been and where it is going. Currently, Vegas has seen several years of appreciation and there's nothing to indicate it will change... so buying now is a good investment.

School Reports - Get ratings, student to teacher ratios, test score information and more.
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